구슬쌤 영어: You're a handful.

2023. 11. 23. 17:29로리맘 챌린지/영어챌린지

 Handful 은 versatile(활용도가 다양한)합니다
캠프릿지 사전: an amount of something that can be held in one hand
Collins 사전: a handful of people or things is a small number of them.

-Can I have some chips?

-Sure, take a handful. (한움큼, 한줌)


Only a handful of people showed up.

Collins 사전: show up : to come; arrive make an appearance

-He showed up late.

-He showed up on time.

- Least She can do is show up on time.(짜증) 최소한 시간 맞춰 와야 하는거 아니냐며)

- I’m gonna tell you something that only a handful of people know. (몇 사람만 아는 이야기를 해주며)

- Only a handful of people have signed up.

- I’m interviewing for a job at corporate,  and they’re only interviewing a handful of people, and I’ll probably get it. (몇사람만 인터뷰 하는 본사자리)

- I’d like to share a handful of tips today.

- I wanna talk about a handful of tips that I cover in the book. (책에서 다룬 몇가지 팁을 공유하며)

tip이라는 단어는 handy라는 단어와 훨씬 가깝다.
Handy 특히 손쉽게 쓸 수 있어 유용한, 편리한
캠브릿지 사전: useful or convenient

- Do you have a pen handy? (* handy: 곁에 있는, 바로 쓸 수 있는)

-so, do you have it handy? - Yes, I do.

- It’s very handy.

- A couple of handy tips there.

- Thank you, and I am happy to take a handful of questions.

- These are just a handful of examples. There are many more.

Handful : 다루기 힘든 사람 / 대상
Collins 사전: if you say that someone, especially a child, is a handful, you mean that they are different to control.

- He’s such a high-maintenance client.    - Yeah, he can be a handful sometimes.

- They’re a handful to manage.

- I admit it. He’s a handful.

- You’re a handful enough as it is. 


Have / got one’s hands full  바쁘다. 처리해야 할 일이 많다
캠브릿지 사전: to be so busy that you do not have time to do anything else.

- I’ve got my hands full.

- I’ve got my plate full.

- It’s gonna be a while. We’ve got our hands full out here.

- NO. no. no. no ! You need to make this your top priority!

-Just do it, man

- I’d love to help, but I’ve got my hands full with the new project.

- Both of us may have our hands full this year. (우리 둘다 올해 할 일이 많을 것 같다며)

- I’ll handle it. You’ve got your hands full already.

-Sorry, I’m late. I got held up by a call.

-No, I appreciate you taking the time. I’m sure you got your hands full. (통화가 길어져서 늦었다고 하자 바쁠텐데 시간 내줘서 고맙다며)


Unprecedented 전례없는
Vocabulary.com: Something that is unprecedented is not known, experienced or done before (듣도보도 못한)

Unprecedented success

Unprecedented growth rate 

-Her growth rate is unprecedented.

Unprecedented 가 특히 좋다는 걸 강조할때 자주 쓰이지만 기본적인 뜻은 한번도 이런 적 없다는 것
Collins 사전: if something is unprecedented, it has never happened before.

-Earth’s climate is changing at an unprecedented rate.

- A 90% success rate is unprecedented.

- You have 14-foot ceilings, which is unprecedented in any condo in LA. (LA에 콘도 중 이런 층고는 없다며)

- I’ve never seen it this low. This is an unprecedented price. (가격이 말도 안되게 쌀때)

- There was an unprecedented 4% loss in market share.(시장 점유율이 역대급으로 4%나 감소)

- I’ve never seen it this high. This is an unprecedented price. (= outrageous)

- We’ve heard the word unprecedented so much, but it really has been an unprecedented year.(펜데믹 때 정말 지겹도록 들은 표현)

- This is an unprecedented opportunity.

- This is a golden opportunity.

- This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


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