구슬쌤 I could get used to this : 오역하기 쉬운 일상 회화표현 3개)

2023. 11. 16. 13:20로리맘 챌린지/영어챌린지


I love that zoo. We used to go there all the time.(거기 진짜 자주 갔었는데!)

Be used to : -에 익숙하다
-collins 사전: if you used to something, you are familiar with it because you have done it or experienced it may times before.

It’s a long commute, But I’m used to it.

- I’m not used to failing.
-Neither am I.

Get used to : -에 점점 익숙해지다
Collins 사전: If you get used to something or someone, you become familiar with it or get to know them, so that you no longer feel that the thing or person is unusual or surprising.

I’ve lived here for my whole life, but I can never get used to this cold weather.

You’ll get used to it. It just takes time.(시간이 걸리겠지만 익숙해질꺼야.)

It’s a beautiful day today. I could really get used to this weather.
(이런 좋은 날씨가 계속 되면 좋겠다 : 강조의 뜻 매일 이런 날씨면 좋겠다)

- What do you think?
-I could get used to it. (백악관에 와서 정말 좋다면서 한 말)
(익숙한 일상이면 좋을만큼) 이거 진짜 너무 좋다 / 앞으로도 계속 이러면 좋겠다.)

Wow! I could get used to a view like this. (경치가 끝내주게 좋다며)

특히 평소 일상에서 자주 경험하지 않는 정말 좋은 걸 할때 / 일상처럼, 앞으로도 계속 되면 좋을만큼 너무 좋다는 걸 강조할때
I could get used to this.

- Medium rare.
-I could get used to this.

- What a view!! I could really get used to this.

- I could get used to a summer home like this.
- I know you could - Me, too

- I could get used to Paris.

Go wrong : 일이 잘못되다, 문제를 겪다.
캠브릿지 사전: if a situation goes wrong, there are problems, or there is a bad result.

I don’t think that would work. Too many things can go wrong.

Your probe plan won’t work. Too many things can go wrong. I got a better way.

We should think this through. Too many things can go wrong.
Collins 사전: If you think a situation through, you consider it thoroughly, together with all its possible effects or consequences.

That’s not a smart thing to do. Too many things can go wrong.

Too many things can go wrong.

Nothing can go wrong today. There’s no room for mistakes.

But this party is very important, So absolutely nothing can go wrong. (아무 문제 없이 완벽해야 한다며)

You can’t go wrong with that.

Can’t go wrong with : -는 잘못 될 일이 없어, 항상 괜찮은 해결책 / 선택이야, 언제나 옳아
롱맨사전 : (spoken) used to say that a particular object will always be suitable, satisfactory,  or work well

I’ll get a cheeseburger. I mean, you can’t go wrong with a burger, right?

You want dessert? Well, you can’t go wrong with the key lime pie.

Let’s double-check. You can’t go wrong with being thorough.

I mean, I think you can’t go wrong with jewelry. ( 선물로 쥬얼리가 안전한 선택 같다며)

Just call her and apologize. You can’t go wrong with “sorry.”

You can’t go wrong with “thank you.”

-잘못 될 수 있는 부분, 변수가 많을 때
Too many things can go wrong.

-모든게 완벽하게 진행되야 한다며
Nothing can go wrong today.

- 는 언제나 옳아 / 실패할 수  없지
You can’t go wrong with -


근무중이잖아 We’re still working.
We’re still on the clock.
- Dictionary.com : to be on the clock is an idiom meaning “working” or “getting paid.”

-Do you wanna order a drink?
Well, we’re still on the clock.

Guys, you’re still on the clock here! Let’s go (아직 근무시간이니 갑담떨지 말고 서둘러)
Well, I’m still on the clock, So I gotta get back. (아직 근무중 이니 이만 가보겠다며)

off the clock.: 근무 시간 외의
위키피디아 : Not at work: off duty. Not being paid for working.

-yeah. - Is that all you’re gonna say? - Well, technically, I’m off the clock.( 고민에 성의 없이 답변하자 )

Come on. It’s time to get off the clock.

-What do you think? - Unbelievable. Campbell, get off the clock.

We’re off the clock. Let’s not talk about work anymore.

Ladies, we’re off the clock. Let’s not talk about work, all right?


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