영어공부 챌린지

2023. 10. 26. 17:53로리맘 챌린지/영어챌린지


한동안 못 올렸네요.. 아드님 시험등 변수가 많아서 (아드님 시험공부를 같이 봐줘야 하는 상황이라서요) 그 핑계로 제 공부를 게을리 했네요.. 다시 달려 보도록 하겠습니다.

제 공부의 출처는 유튜브 채널 <구슬쌤> 내용입니다.

같이 열심히 공부를 해 보아요


<그렇게 하지 않는 게 좋겠다고 조언>

  • I’m gonna meet him in person.
  • Sir, I strongly advise against that.


Advise : (정식으로) 알리다

 Collins 사전: if you advise someone of a fact or situation, you tell them the fact or explain what the situation is.


Please advise me on what more can be done. (더 할 수 있는게 뭔지 물으며) 

Please advise me on how to proceed. (어떻게 진행할 지 조언 부탁드립니다)

Can you please advise Gosford ED that we are on our way? (지금 가고 있다고 말해주라며)

If you perceive any further danger, advise me immediately. (즉시 자기에게 알려 달라고 할때)



명사 advice


좋은 충고를 많이 해줬을 때

He gave me a lot of good advice.

  • Britannica 사전: Advice is a noncount noun (or mass noun) which means it does not have a plural form. 기본적으로 셀 수 없는 명사로 간주


Can you give me some advice?

I would like some advice on that.


I could use some advice. (조언이 필요로 하고 원할때 조언해주면 좋겠어)


수량화 하고 싶다면 (조언 딱 하나만 해줘.. 처럼) 

Can I give you a piece of advice? ( a word of, a bit of도 자주쓰임)


You have obviously given a lot of good advice, but if you had one final piece of advice, What would it be?


A word of advice: I wouldn’t open with that.



I’m solo. (X)

Solo means  혼자서 하는, 솔로의, 단독으로 연주 하는


Collins 사전: you use solo to indicate that someone does something along rather than with other people.  



This drum solo is sick.

Traveling solo?

 Relationship 이면 I’m single.


-Are you seeing anyone?

-No, I’m single.



Do you have a girlfriend, Alex? (Hey… , How’s your love life?)

No, no girlfriend 

So, you’re single?

Yes. Definitely I’m single.

I’m single, too.


 - same old, same old. I’m still single.


  • I’m Ted, I’m newly single.



  • What’s your New Year’s resolution?
  • Mine is to get a girlfriend.

    I’m tired of being single. It’s lonely.


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