2023. 11. 14. 20:56ㆍ로리맘 챌린지/영어챌린지
I'd like to bring your attention to this chart. (주목/ 집중 해서 봐달라고 할때)
I'd like to bring your attention to the blue line.(파란 선을 봐달라)
I'd like to bring your attention to the last bullet point.
I'd like to bring your attention to some figures.(중요한 수치를 보여주며)
I'd like to bring your attention to the last feature on this slide.
둘 다 상대가 관심을 가졌으면 할때 쓰이지만
1) I'd like to bring your attention to 대상. (특히 강연, 프리젠테이션처럼 상대가 이미 관심을 갖고 보고 있을때)
2) I'd like to bring 대상 to your attention.(평소 단순히 뭔가에 관심을 가져달라고 할때)
bring 대상 to one's attention (..에게 ~를 관심 갖게 하다 / 알려주다)
- Merriam-webster사전: to make someone aware of something '알려주다'로 주로 해석 되지만 정보전달이 목적인 let 사람 know와 달리 문제 해결이나 조치가 필요할 때 자주 씀
Thank you for bringing that to my attention. (내가 관심을 가질 수 있도록 알려줘서 고마워)
Oh God, no. That is unacceptable. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. (그냥 넘어갈 일이 아니라며)
I've already brought it to his attention. (이미 문제나 상황을 인지시켜줬을때; 그거 내가 이미 그에게 알려줬어)
I should have brought it to your attention sooner. (더 일찍 말해줄걸 / 보여줄껄 그랬다)
(이야기 해준 사람을 보호해줄때)
I was told to do this.
I was told to speak with you. (당신과 이야기 하라고 했다며)
(스미스가 회사 영수증에 문제가 있다는 걸 알려줬다며)
Smith has brought some troubling receipts to my attention.
It's been brought to my attention that (-라는 걸 알게 됐어요)
It's been brought to my attention that some of you are not using the new pricing sheet.
It has been brought to my attention that some of you are unhappy with my plan.
It's been brought to my attention there's been inappropriate behavior lately. (부적절한 행동에 대해 알게 됐다며)
Treat with excessive kindness.
You should treat yourself to a nice dinner.
Guilty pleasure, I need it. I deserve it.
I'm treating myself to a pedicure.
I should treat myself a little more 'cause tomorrow isn't promised. (내일이 보장된 것도 아닌데 좀 더 즐길 필요가 있다며)
You should treat yourself to a nice dinner.
Yeah, I'm definitely going to indulge myself. (ㅇㅇ 진짜 먹고 싶은거 다 먹을꺼야..)
I don't mean to brag, but the champagne is Dom, So you should indulge. (자랑은 아니지만 돔 페리뇽 삼페인이 있으니 실컷 마시라며)
Humor me (딱히 내키지 않더라도) 내 기분 좀 맞춰줘, 내가 하자는대로 좀 따라줘라..
Come on, indulge me.It's really good. ( 이것 좀 먹어봐.. 나를 위해서 진짜 맛있어)
Please, indulge me. (디저트를 안 먹겠다고 하자)
I even cook sometimes. Badly, But they indulge me. (요리가 맛 없어도 다들 맛있게 먹는다며)
Just hear me out. Indulge me for a second
Collins 사전 : If you hear someone out, you listen to them without interrupting them until they have finished saying everything that they want to say.
Indulge me for a little while, please.
I support you. I'm the only person in your life who doesn't indulge you. (아빠에게 마냥 맞춰주지 않고 쓴소리를 하는 건 나 밖에 없다며)
Thank you for indulging me. 제 이야기를 들어주셔서 고맙습니다. (특히 농담 섞인 마무리 문장으로 자주 쓰여요)
Thank you for indulging me on the long answer. (긴 이야기 / 답변을 들어줘서 고맙다며)
Thank you for indulging me. I have always wanted to do that. (농담으로 늘 이 재미있는 사진을 참고 자료로 쓰고 싶었다며)
I won't be offended if you say no.
I won't be offended if you have to check that. (확인해도 언짢아하지 않을거라며)
Don't be shy. I won't be offended by any questions you ask.
If anybody has to be somewhere else, I won't be offended if you leave before the questioning time. (미리 자리에서 일어나도 언짢아 하지 않을거라며)
If anybody wants to leave now, I won't be offended. It's OK. (내용이 생각했던 것과 달리 지금 자리에서 일어나도 속상해 하지 않을거라며)
I'm sorry if I offended you in any way.
I'm sorry if I offended you.
No offense but,
너에게 상처주려는건 아닌데, 이런말 해서 미안한데..
**유사표현 with all due respect (외람된 말씀 / 이렇게 말씀 드려 죄송하지만)
No offense, But I don't see any improvements here.
No offense, but we're slammed.
- No offense.
- None taken.
-This speech is so terrible. No offense, Matt. -None taken.
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