구슬쌤 영어 why did you do that? VS why would you do that?

2024. 1. 30. 10:32로리맘 챌린지/영어챌린지


#1: Why did you do that? vs. Why would you do that?

cut to the chase 바로 본론으로 들어가다 / 결론만 말하다

그냥 단순히 왜 특정행동을 한건지 궁금할 땐 Why did you ~?
도대체 왜 그런 행동을 한건지 이해/납득이 안되서 물어볼 땐 Why would you ~?
그냥 궁금해서 물어볼 땐 Why did you do that?
도대체 왜 그랬는지 이해가 안될 땐 Why would you do that?


<그냥 궁금해서 물어보며>
Why did you do that?

<상대의 저의를 물어볼 땐>
Why would you do that?

A: Why did you buy this car?

*legitimate: 정당한, 타당한

B: I just wanted to treat myself. Besides, it's pretty fuel-efficient.

Why did you buy the latest iPhone?

Why would you buy this car? 도대체 왜 이런차를 산거야?

They were idiots.

Why would you buy it at the top of a market?

A: Why would you buy this car?

 I mean, it looks ridiculous.

B: I know. I wish I could return it.



